Use of electronic price tags in the delicatessen "STORK Food & Wine"

"Stork Food and Wine", a renowned delicatessen in Warsaw (PL), is known for its exquisite selection of wines, cheeses and meat products. From entry-level gourmet wines costing  several euros to premium offerings at around 700 euros per bottle, everything is available here. In 2023, the store owner decided to switch to electronic price labels to improve the efficiency and aesthetics of the store. The choice fell on the Newton Lite Labels from e-shelf-labels.


e-shelf-labels supplied a total of 650 Newton Lite labels with a display size of 2.2 inches, an access point, the AIMS label management software, a support plan and the necessary mounting material. This comprehensive equipment enabled the store owner to quickly and easily equip the wine shelves with the new signage.

Thanks to the electronic price labels, prices can now be updated quickly and easily from a computer, without having to print out paper labels and insert them manually. This not only saves time, but also significantly reduces paper consumption.

Expansion and customization

Due to the extremely positive feedback, another order followed shortly afterwards. This time, 120 larger labels with a 2.6-inch display and 60 labels with a 2.7-inch display were delivered. These labels are now used at the delicatessen counter for cheese and meat products. Special, height-adjustable holders enable a flexible and appealing presentation of the products.

Display content made easy

The store owner himself designs and programs the digital signs, supported by the layout software provided. This ensures that the price tags are individually and attractively designed and perfectly matched to the respective products.

The advantages of electronic price labels at STORK Food & Wine

  1. Time savings: Price changes can be made quickly and efficiently from the computer without having to physically replace signs.
  2. Reduced paper consumption: The use of electronic signs eliminates the need to print paper signs, which is environmentally friendly.
  3. Elegant and modern store design: The electronic price labels give the store a modern and tidy appearance.
  4. Flexibility: The layout software allows the store owner to customize and adjust the signs, which contributes to an appealing product presentation.
  5. Cost efficiency: In the long term, electronic price labels reduce the costs of printing materials and labor for changing the labels.

The use of Newton Lite labels from e-shelf-labels has proven to be extremely beneficial for "Stork Food and Wine". The combination of efficiency, flexibility and a modern aesthetic has not only reduced the workload, but also improved the shopping experience for customers. The successful implementation and positive feedback from the store owner underline the advantages of electronic price labels, even in smaller (delicatessen) stores.